Wall with Brushstrokes and Gold Foils




Hybrid Mastermind

with michelle Tegola

90 days to ideal clients, impact & income

Here’s what I know….

You have a beautiful brand, but it’s not converting.

You have tried it this way and that way,

taken this course, that mastermind, and yet, nothing is landing.


You don’t have time to be jumping from coach to coach, from course to course, taking her strategies and his 5-step plan, trying to somehow put it all together while life is HAPPENING. You desire an all-encompassing coach & space that can actually hold you, see you, hear you, feel you, and transform you deeper into intentional impact.

You want it all in one place, with one coach, who GETS IT...

Wall with Brushstrokes and Gold Foils


Because, you’re not just a brand. You’re not just your business.

You’re not just a mom, wife, daughter, or dog mom.

You’re not just an entrepreneur, creative, impact-maker and artist.

You are ALL of it - And then some.

Hi, I'm Michelle

Listen, I've been there. I've been an entrepreneur for over 25 years, and a coach for 9, a Mother for 15.

I've owned a successful marketing agency,

I'm divorced, I'm a mess sometimes and I'm human.

One thing I know is how to run a successful business while navigating life.

When I first started coaching, I hired coaches, took courses, and learned all I could. It was so overwhelming and lonely. I just wanted to make an impact, but that wasn't going to happen if no one hired me.

It took me years to learn what I know now.

How to stand out and get clients in 90 days or less..

And I'm going to share it all with you.





Find yourself

Know your usf

client connection

This is where being seen & heard comes in. It's a constant evolution and you have to know yourself to bring authenticity into your brand and stand out.

No one teaches you how to truly stand out in the industry. It goes beyond having a pretty brand. You need to know your Unique Standout Factor to be seen and hired.

If you don't have a way to connect to your ideal client consistently, you don't have a business. Lead generation and client connection is key.

do you agree?


Business & Life don't always mix.

When life throws you into a shitstorm, when you get triggered, your business still has to run and that can be hard. You need to find your power and learn how to run both with grace.


Standing out is a must.

There are new coaches joining the industry everyday. Everyone has something unique to bring to their offering. You need to know yours, so that you and your clients don't get lost in the mix.


Great Coaches, not so great marketing.

There are so many amazing coaches out there but many don't know how to get clients. They are guessing their way through their business and just want to make an impact already.

what if I told you there was a better way...

I created this system and process from my own challenges and my clients. Instead of having to figure it out and guess your way through your business, I have created a system that works and I'm helping you customiize it all so that it fits YOU and your unique offerings. You will never wonder how to get clients again.

Imagine what you could achieve if you always knew how to get clients?

introducing the...


hybrid mastermind

An intimate, small group hybrid mastermind with private coaching to help you stand out online, get hired by your ideal clients and be supported while you navigate LIFE.

It's what I wanted and needed throughout my journey as an entrepreneur. Not only a pro that could hold space for me, but could actually SEE me for all the gifts I had and failures too. Someone that could see it all and help me put a system together that would work for me. I wanted to stop figuring it out on my own. I wanted to get energetic support, strategic and brand elevation.

This is where you get it all.

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Be seen, heard& hired

in 90 days or less

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Cream Star Doodle

in this hybrid mastermind


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how to embrace your evolution

Your growth game is strong, you have to know how to implement that into a truly authentic brand, every step of the way.

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How to stand out

You'll never question if you're good enough again. Comparison will be a thing of the past. You'll know how and why you have no competition and so will your clients.

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How to get hired

You will have a system in place that works for you. One that is customized to who you are and how you work best. One that will be a client acquisition machine.


Woman Covered by Hay

The artistry behind your brand and how to convey a strong feeling that your ideal client will connect with and hire you for.

Writing down

How to be clean and clear with your messaging and how to write copy that converts time and time again.

beautiful boho woman hipster, smiling, wearing hat and poncho at sunset in mountains, true emotions, space for text

How to understand your audience, and your ideal client. What they need, want and desire. How to have them feel like your are in their head and speak from their heart.

Beautiful Hipster Woman in Boho Indie Clothes, Posing in Winter

How to tell your story in a way that converts your audience, and let it evolve as your life does along with it.

IS THIS mastermind FOR YOU?



if you don't plan on working the plan, bring excuses and aren't coachable.


If you don't work well holding space for others, don't like connecting with other people while on your journey.


If you don't currently have a coaching or service based business and personal brand.


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You're ready to make things happen and are willing to show up and are coachable..

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You love connecting with like-minded positive people and love holding space for their growth as much as your own.

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You currently have a service based or coaching business and brand for more than 6 months.

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save over $2000 off

regular pricing when you sign up today


One time payment. This is great if you don't have a consistent income yet and want to get the payment out of the way.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best value
  • No payments to worry about

save $2112


3 monthly payments. This is great if you would like to do payments in small chunks and the monthly payment works for you.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best Value
  • 3 easy payments.

save $2112


Extended payment plan of 10 monthly payments. This is ideal if cashflow is an issue and don't mind a longer commitment.

  • Payment fee is $112 total
  • Low monthly payment
  • Extended plan

save $2000

A Woman using Laptop

What's included:

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Weekly group calls to check in and monitor your growth. Each person gets coaching and support in a small group setting.

Monthly or biweekly private coaching sessions with me. You choose two 30 min sessions or one 60 min session each month.

Daily group chat to celebrate wins, ask questions and receive support on the days when you need it.

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"Since working with Michelle my brand has tripled in revenue and the clarity I gained has been worth it's weight in gold. So grateful for all the guidance and support I received, my business has grown but most importantly, the confidence in what I offer has been a great reward."

rena zaharov

High Ticket Coach

my signature framework

Let's see what's inside

month 1


Know and be clear on each of the 6 factors to your Unique Stand Out Factor. Clarity on ideal client , connection action, lead generation plan and strategy.

This is a big month!

Young lady using laptop on sofa

month 2


Now we ride! I support you through the strategy we have created for you and we tweak and grow as you go.

Client acquisition machine loading....

Person Writing On A Notebook

month 3

Pineapple season.

This is where we finetune the process, strategy and feel.

This is where ideal clients have dropped in, created connections and come into your world.


Pineapple In the Sea Shore
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but wait there's more

Fast Action Bonuses

register in 24 hours & receive...

Boxes Tied with Rope
Elegant Gifts Flatlay

Bonus 1 - Kickoff call with me to audit your current business, get to know you and your goals.

Bonus 2 - FREE access to the digital course version of Stand out, Get Hired when it comes out in the summer!

Bonus 3 - My IG grid planner tool for a visually beautiful IG with a content plan ready to go.

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Woman Standing With A Cup Of Coffee Near A Laptop


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Cheerful woman using laptop at home
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Young woman using laptop on floor near sofa


Woman Drinking Coffee WhilebStanding Near A Laptop


total value




Kick-off call

Stand out, Get Hired Digital Course

Grid planner tool and tutorial

Private coaching value alone


One time payment. This is great if you don't have a consistent income yet and want to get the payment out of the way.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best value
  • No payments to worry about

save $2112


3 monthly payments. This is great if you would like to do payments in small chunks and the monthly payment works for you.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best Value
  • 3 easy payments.

save $2112


Extended payment plan of 10 monthly payments. This is ideal if cashflow is an issue and don't mind a longer commitment.

  • Payment fee is $112 total
  • Low monthly payment
  • Extended plan

save $2000

MEET YOUr coach Michelle Tegola

In business for 25 years, coach for 9 years, trained and coached hundreds globally. Spiritual life coach, brand coach and online business coach.

Forbes Coaching Council and Expert Panel contributor.

Platinum media award winner, Agency of he year award winner (UNESCO), ad campaign of the year award winner.

Mother of 3, Star Wars Nerd, Camping lover, Pilates obsessed, heart-centered passionate, purpose-driven mentor who wants your success more than her own.

what happens



Check Box Icon

You will recieve a confirmation of purchase from paypal and an email from me welcoming you to the mastermind!

Check Box Icon


You will recieive your bonus resources as well as a link to book your first kick-off call and your first month calls.

Check Box Icon



I will also send you a form to fill out so that I can have a better idea of your business and you before our call. I can't wait!

the lovely things they say

client love

Quotation Mark

"I think it can only be a testament to the coach you’re working with, that after having worked with them, not only is your vision for your business clearer, but you can suddenly envision so much MORE for yourself. Now that I know exactly who I am inside this business, who I serve, and what exactly I can uniquely offer them, there is literally going to be no stopping me!"

Kelly cruse

Online business


Quotation Mark

"Michelle is gifted in connecting to your brand, message, and work and see's from a birds-eye view. She will tell you the truth because she genuinely cares and wants the best for you! We have been working together for almost 6 months now. I would honestly be lost without her input. Finding your authentic brand which is a visual reflection of who you are has always felt important to me and overwhelming at the same time. She's helped me tremendously! "

Azra Ladora

wellnes coach

Quotation Mark

"In the past 3 years, there has definitely been an evolution of “me,” and it couldn’t have happened without the guidance, support, and encouragement of Michelle. She has helped me to fully embrace my message AND my power, to show up and stand in my light. In working with her, I now have the tools I need to move forward boldly, confidently, and in alignment! I can’t recommend her enough!""

jennifer ebilane

life coach

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"Michelle is an absolutely phenomenal leader and coach. She helped me see that vulnerability is truly a strength. She guided me to a place where I felt comfortable sharing my true self with my audience and the engagement exploded! Michelle is not only an incredibly strategic pro, she builds and keeps trust. I’m all in with Michelle. ALWAYS."

Nicole pekerman


Enroll Now


One time payment. This is great if you don't have a consistent income yet and want to get the payment out of the way.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best value
  • No payments to worry about

save $2112


3 monthly payments. This is great if you would like to do payments in small chunks and the monthly payment works for you.

  • No payment plan fee
  • Best Value
  • 3 easy payments.

save $2112


Extended payment plan of 10 monthly payments. This is ideal if cashflow is an issue and don't mind a longer commitment.

  • Payment fee is $112 total
  • Low monthly payment
  • Extended plan

save $2000


If I can't make one of the group sessions, will they be recorded?

Yes. Every session will be recorded and sent out to access for one week, and you will have access to download it as well.

How does the private coaching work?

Every month, you will be sent a calendar link to book your session. You can choose each month whether you would like to do two 30 min sessions biweekly or one 60 minute session for the month. You get to lead here.

What if I don't get clients after 90 days?

You will get an audit of your business and account and if all coaching methods taught are implemented, you will receive an extra month of coaching and then check-in support until you do!

How do I access the fast action bonuses?

You will receive an email within 24 hours of signing up into the program to book your kick-off session. You will have the bonus resources sent you to in that email.

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get in touch

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COPYRIGHT 2023 michelle tegola coaching

Quotation Mark

Success is not the key to happiness,

happiness is the key to success.

here we do both.

Quotation Mark